About us

Welcome to 13W Coffee, a coffee born here in the Caribbean.

We are located on the island of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands. Our roastery and cafe are in the historic town of Charlotte Amalie.

Our coffee is unlike anything you’ve ever tried. And it’s not because we claim to have passion or a bean that is sourced from some remote mountain in Peru.

Its the way we roast our beans. We roast our beans in 2 outdoor ovens that have been used for 200 years. Our beans are roasted the same way they were hundreds of years ago. Here at our roastery you can watch as we use the art and science of roasting by hand. No fancy machines that measure every detail and temperature. Our coffee is born of the flame and experience of hands that have personally roasted innumerable pounds of beans. Batch by batch. A careful eye and feel for the sounds and smells that only a true master can know.

So yeah, we have passion and great beans, but our ovens, flames and experience are what make our coffee unlike any you’ll ever find. That, and we like to believe the Caribbean sun imparts a special island flavor too. 🙂

Indulge in the rich aroma and exquisite taste of our carefully selected coffee beans. From the bold and robust flavors of our dark roasts to the smooth and mellow notes of our light roasts, each cup is a testament to our dedication to craftsmanship. Our coffee experts ensure that every step of the process – from bean selection to brewing – is executed with precision and passion. Elevate your coffee experience with 13W Coffee and savor the perfect cup of joe every time.

Store visits

At 13W Coffee in St. Thomas, our store and roastry is open to the public. During our business hours you can come visit, watch us roast (we are roasting on most days) enjoy our cafe and gardens. We love visitors!

Online shopping experience

Can’t make it to our store? Well, that means you don’t get to see, with your own eyes, our roasting. So if you can’t make it to the islands, we are happy to offer a select number of batches for sale online. But honestly, to truly enjoy our coffee you need to be here in the islands, under a palm, sipping a steaming cup on a breezy morning.


At 13W Coffee, we believe in doing your best to not be wasteful. It seems like buzzwords like ethically sourced and sustainable are a farce. They are used as a marketing tool. An attempt to tell people “we are good people and we care about the environment”. But 9 times out of 10 they are no different from anyone else. All I can say is that we try hard to be responsible and not waste. We love people and we love this incredible creation that we live on. God gave us all a gift and we don’t aim to waste or neglect it.